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Enjoy your life

Be thankful for everyday you still have in this world

Sunday, March 29, 2009

hari ini wa baru potong rambut.. setelah berbulan-bulan dibiarin..
kalo ga salah terakhir potong rambut bln Januari deh..
kebayang ga panjangnya gimana??

tapi ada sesuatu yg ngebuat malu,
kan rambutnya waktu dipotong masi basah, jadi siap potong, disuruh blow..
trus ya kanglangnya blow loh..
kayaknya dia terlalu seneng nge-blow rambutku ampe rambutku tinggiiii x..
kyk rambut emak2 gt..
trus wkt keluar, cc blg, rambutmu ngembang x, mcm ai2..
jadi w lgsg liat loh..emank bnr mcm ai2...
trus cc blg lg, klo mami nampak pst lu kena marah..
w lgsg mikir..iya juga, ini rambut harus dikempesin..
akhirnya w sibuk cari air..tp krn di mbl ga ada air jd ya terpaksa mpe toko w langsung lari2 ke atas..
cari air buat ngebasahin rambut..sm hair dryer buat keringin lagi..
akhirnya kempes juga sih, meskipun masi agak ngembang..
tp ok lah, yg penting kempes dikit..

wktu rambut w masi ngembang gitu banyak yg ngeliatin, jdnya w malluuu bgt..
huhahaha.. =S

sebanyak ini yang dipotong..
Friday, March 27, 2009

damn..sore ini mobilku mogok.
padahal kita (wa, ton, rin, pin) udah rencana pulang cepet..
rupanya waktu di jalan, macet..
trus mesin mobil pake kepanasan pula..
pas kita mattin mesin, mobilnya malah ga mau idup lg..
trus biasa lah..buka kap depan, rupanya..dr radiatornya uda keluar asap2 gt..
sambil nungguin mesinnya dingin, ton sm pin dorong mobilnya ke pinggir..
untung ada mrk, kalo ga, kan ga lucu cewe dorong mobil.. haha

trus kami kumpulin smua sisa air minum kami, buat diisi ke radiator..
ternyata airnya penuhh..tapiii..kotorrr..
jadi terpaksa tunggu radiatornya agak dingin dulu terus ganti airnya..
ga nyangka de..tabung radiator yang cuma segitu kecil muat diisi air bnyk juga ya..
masa 2 botol aqua ukuran paling gede ga cukup? ditambah stngh botol air dr termos nike ku juga..
dan perjuangan nyari aqua jg susaaahhh..
wa sm antony, jalan2 cuma bwat beli aqua..
heran deh, nyari aqua kok susah? pdhl d sktr sana bnyk warung2 gt, tp ga ada satupun yg jual aqua.. =S

ga lama, smua airnya uda diganti..trus tes di starter lagi..
ternyata blm bisa..
akhirnya kita minta ijin sm orang yg punya rumah d depan tempat kami mogok,
minta ijin buat pake halaman rumahnya buat dorong mobil, soalnya macet gt
gimana mau dorong mobil??
untung orangnya baek, dia ngasih ijin kami pake halamannya buat dorong mobil.. =D
dan ga lama kemudiann..brummmm..mobilnya idupp!!!
yippieee!! senangnyaaaa..

akhirnya..kita smua nyampe rumah jam 7++
padahal kalo ga ada insiden mogok + macet, jam 5.30 gt kita uda bs nyampe rumah..
pitty usss.. hahaha..

di waktu mogok, w sempat ambil foto di sekitar sana..
so here it is..

the problem (liat putih2 di samping gambar? itu akibat mesinnya terlalu panas)

ini juga salah satu masalahnya

suasana macet

montirrr.. Mr. Antony Tan.. =P
ini rumah orang yang uda ngasi ijin kami pake halamannya

itu udah semua..
wait for my other post..

Monday, March 23, 2009

Where are all those tears coming from?
Why are they falling down from your eyes?
somebody left your heart in cold
you just need someone to hold on
someone to lay on
someone who can give warmth for your cold heart
i hate to see you so down,
just give me a chance to be someone you can hold on to..
cause there's so many things i can do, i can change to make your heart gets warmer..
so please..?

yeah..done with something i have in my mind, the other side of me i think..
i just heard a song and it's feels like wanna come out from my mind..
so i write it..
i don't know its good or not..but, i pretty like it..
it's pretty good for someone like me, who is still a junior in something like this..

Only for today, I won’t cry though my eyes fill with tears
I want to laugh like those stars
I want to cherish all my happy moments deep inside my heart
sist birthday
Saturday, March 21, 2009

yeap..kemaren, 20 maret, kita buat surprise buat ccku..
hahaha..and i am the big liarrr..

jadi gini ceritanya,
kemaren dia pulang kuliah, sktr jam 8.30an hmpr jam 9 gt..
trus dia lgsg msk kamar..
d kamar ada w ama giselle.. (giselle ud diajak kerja sama jg, untung dia ga ngomong apa2)
kita pura2 ga ada apa2..
trus dia msk ke toilet, ganti baju..
kk sm yg laen di luar kamar uda stand by nunggu dia keluar dr toilet..
wkt dgr pintu toilet dibuka, kk lgsg ketok pintu kamar..
jd kublg sm cc "ce, buka la"
dia blg, "ah males, lu la"
krn w uda ga tahan lg, akhrnya w senyum2 trus buka pintu..
dtg cc mikir, "bodoh x anak ini, disuruh buka pintu mlh senyum.."

Dan ternyata di depan pintu, berdirilah semuanya..jerit happy birthday..plus bw cakenya..
akhrnya dia make a wish, trus tiup lilinnya..
dan akhirnya kita makann deee..
cake dia bnykkk bgt.. ada 3, 2 dr clover, 1 dr backer..
jd kita smua kenyang mkn cake..

trus cc blg, pinter x kln taun ini, taun lalu ketauan kan gr aku dgr suara kln..
jd kublg, pinter lah, ampe detail2 kecil pun kmi inget..kyk sendal..
lu ga nampak sendal mrk kan??
dia blg ga..
jd kublg, kmi ga mau mengulangi kesalahan kek wkt rin2, jd begitu mrk dtg lgsg sembunyiin sendal msg2..
truuusss..mblnya parkir d samping rumahh..agak ketutup pohon2..mn mgkn lu nampak..

that's the end..
wait for my other post..okeii??

a super duper boring dayy
Thursday, March 19, 2009

yeah..it's a super duper boring deiii..
no msn chats today..
because she isn't online..
because she didn't come to office..
because she isn't feeling well these few days..
too much why huh.. hahaha..
i am bored today, although from the outside i look like enjoying today.. hehe..

today i have my english test..
and i am sooo pekchekkkk.. because i forgot to answer 1 questionnnn!!
i don't know the answer, first..but at last i knew it, but forgot to answer it..

dan taukah?? hari ini gw serius belajar di skolah.. huahaha..
kaga ol jadi ga ada kerjaan, trus belajar deh..meskipun rada ga masuk otak..
tp at least belajar lah namanya..

hmm..keknya ga ada lg ya bs ditulis..
ya kecuali hari ini ujan lg, tp ga separah 2 hari yg lalu ama kemaren..
aneh..musim panas tp ujan mulu?? wat hapen??


i'm like a very hard rock
and you are someone who can make the rock much softer
yeah youu!!!

heavy rain
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

sore ini ujannya derasss bangettt..
ampe kalo di mobil udah ga nampak depan lagi..parahh..

hoho..tp btw hari ini kita hampir telat lagi nyampe skolah..
gr2 sesuatu yg tidak diinginkan.. hahaha..
tp untunglah, kita punya katob-katob yg kayanya pny turunan darah pembalap..
jadinya ga telat dhee.. huhaha..

hmmm..ngantuk bgt hari ini..
soalnya kmren mlm bgt tidurnya..

it's all i think..
wait for my other post, ok?
bad news
Monday, March 16, 2009

i can make the stupid chat box work.. huahaha..
i work hard for that chat box you knowwww?? =P

and this evening i got some bad news..
in this few days or weeks maybe, i can't chat wif my Babe again..
because..there're some new rules at her office..no one can use internet besides for working..
alarrr..ke laod aja lah yg buat rulesnya..!!
tp moga2 aja hasil meetingnya gini : gak ada yg namanya larangan internetan..
soalnya kalo ada peraturan kek gitu kan susah..mau pake sms-an terus..
dan dia itu tipe orang ga hobi sms-an..

jadi ga semangat deh hari ini..

Sunday, March 15, 2009

last night, i watched "SHUTTER"
it's a veryyyy scary movie, actually it's not scary, but the ghost always show up unexpectedly..
make my heart felt like wanna jumped out..

Megumi, the ghost

and at the evening, i went out with my best friend, Merry..
since i moved school to Medan, i haven't met her..maybe it's already 8 months..
i miss herr!!
we're talk and talk until i said to her, "Mer, udah jam 5.30..lu jd pg beli obat cuci muka ga?"
she laughed and say, "gilak kita, uda gosip mpe 2jam lbh..ampe uda jam brp pun ga tau lg.."
wakakka..so, i accompany her to becak..
after said goodbye, i went to Teen Shop, it's Antony & Rin2's by the way..
i'm waiting until it was 7, then we went to the cinema..

But, we arrived late..when we arrived, the movie already started for maybe 5 minutes..

i called someone today..because my xl is no signal, tehenggg..
so i called to say that my xl teheng, using my flexi..
hoho..glad to hear that someone voice today..
by the way, is "we are one" still your favourite song??
tell me tommorow, will you?

My dream is coming. though it is unusual that my one star is bright
it is very bright, even blinding..it comes down to my shoulder
stop being so sad..it holds my hand as it touches me
and gives me a warm hug
Happy White Day
Saturday, March 14, 2009

ahh..white day is coming again..
and i still think that white day is the same bloody day like valentine..
a hard headed girl like me will not change their minds easily.. haahah..

2 days ago i went to Jittlada, Cambridge to celebrate Lina cc's birthday..
i didn't have time to wrote it here that night, so i write it today..
it's such a lovely dinner..all of us, eating, laughing happily, took some pic..with my very cute nephew and niece, Gilbert and Giselle..
here's some of the picture we took..

My parents, Gilbert, Giselle, Me and my brother

Gilbert and me

With my sista

and with my super mentel Giselle

it was a tiring night, a happy night..enjoyed it very much..
and yesterday, me and my friends went to Kalimantan for our lunch..just 4 people but it was quite fun..

But all of that was yesterday, today..i'm feeling like crappp..
don't know what to do, no one is chatting with me, and it is REALLY BORING..
and now i'm just watching Kyle Xy, online.. waiting for the buffering..

that's it
i'm done here..
wait for my other post..

Even though our happy times were short, I’ll treasure it deep inside my heart
like those countless number of stars, forever
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

what's up?
i was thinking about you and it's kinda make me smile..
so many things to say
and i put them in a message
i know we talk everyday, but it seems to be like we always have something to talk about..
and you never make me bored..
my day seems exquisite with you in it
i think you're the one who know me well and the most important thing is you trust me like i trust you..
i love you more than words can say
and you make me feel so much alive
when we talk i can tell you all
and when you talk you can tell me all..
Your eyes they're like the stars so bright
being with you is so much FUN!

i finished writing it for someone..
i work on those words for 2 months!!
seems like to long for something like that..
maybe other people can write it in only a day.. but for me, it's difficult to write something like that..
but at last..finisheddd!!
now i will write a new one..but maybe it need a couple of days, or weeks maybe.. hehehe..

honestly i don't know what to write today..but my silly girl ask me why i don't update my blog again..
so tonight i write again..for my silly girl..

hmmm..my brother just bought Nokia 5800..pretty cool le..
because he bought a new one, so he gave his Nokia 6500 for me.. okheii mah.. ahahah..
but i still want Nokia e63!! i don't know why all store still don't have stocks for e63.. i want it damnnn badlyy!!!

P.S : Thank you my silly girl..for all the good things you tell me to do today.. ( include study physics lesson and not being bad mood because of it =D ) Miss you..

though I’m exhausted to the point where I can’t walk
though my tears blur my vision
I’ll still smile in front of my love that I’m not able to get

is yesterday an happy or an annoying day???
Monday, March 9, 2009

yes, yesterday is an happy day at first..
i went to airport, pick up my brother, then went to Babura..went home..
and everything else.. is happyy..

but not at the noon, it was such an annoying noon..
so, there was this women, called to my Simpati while i was taking a nap..
first i ignore the call, but she didn't stop calling me..
So i pick them up, but i don't know who is she looking for..
if i'm not mistaken, she looking for her husband..
of course it's salah sambung right??
so i patiently said to her that she was salah sambung..
BUTTTT..you know what??
she said i'm cheating with her husband!!!! WTF?!?!?!?!?!
then she close the call..
i'm veryyyy angry at the time, then i directly decided i'm not gonna use that number ever again!!!
after a while, she called me again..but i don't wanna answer the call, coz she will make me lose my temper again..
i ignored it.. hahaa..
if you taking a nap, then someone you don't know calling you at all time to talk about something you barely understand and unimportant, will you be mad??
i'm sure you will..

because my simpati still can be use for calling, i directly call my B in Singapore.. hahahaha..
she also said that i better not to use that number again..
coz FYI, that woman is the 3rd salah sambung person.. =s
after talking for about a minute, my simpati can't be use for calling anymore..so i text her, warn her not to text me in that number anymore.. and then i turn it off, take off the card, and throw it in the trash..

then at 4p.m, we (my sister, brother, and i) went to Binjai to go to eat with Antony and Rin2..
we gone to Suryaa..sit there until 5.30 and go back to Rin's house..cause we don't wanna go back home and then back to Binjai again at 7..
At 7.20 we ( plus pin2, kel, n vera ) went to Binjai 21 to watch "KAMBING JANTAN"
it was such a funny moviee.. hahaha..
you MUST watch it.. =D

after that, we gone to Bangkatan to have some dinner..
cause we were hungry.. hehehe..

at 10 something we go home..
a very long day..
happy one, but something annoying at the same time..

wait for my other post..

don’t be hurt too much..they hug me tight and pamper me
and comfort me,
telling me to go to sleep
don't kn0w deh
Saturday, March 7, 2009

i just watched 200 pounds beauty..again..
it's an Korean movie.. quite old already..maybe i've bought it 2 years ago..
but i don't know why, i just feeling want to watch it again..

i got nothing to do today... >.<
can't wait for tommoroww.. my brother came back from sg.. =D
after pick him up at the airport, we (me, my sis n bro, rin2, and ton) will go to Babura..

feeling a little sleepy coz i already woke up at 7 a.m..
and missing someoneeee.. huaaaaaaaaa...
when that someone read this on Monday, that someone will know directly..
do you miss me?? i know you do.. weqqqqqqq..

and, i kinda feeling disturbed by someone SALAH SAMBUNG..
chakku liaooo..

that's for today..
wait for my other post..

the wind is shaking the windows,and over my small room,
the stars fill up the sky, shining brightly too many to count,
the stars reassure tired me
they wipe away the many tears that are deep inside me
welcome March.. =D
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

haha..it's already the 3rd of March and i still make the title welcome March..
hawhawhaw.. because i think in March there's many special things will happen..
1. My brother's home..
2. My dear Gilbert's 6th birthday
3. Gilbert's mommy birthday
4. My big sis birthday..

So it's so much to celebrate this month.. =D

and i wanna tell you something about yesterday..
yesterday, i'm gonna go to Taipan, to my Ku Kong's birthday..
so, i took a bath at my shop..
after doing all the cleaning up things, my mom told me to go to the cashier, tell them to go dinner,
and told me to be the cashier while 2 of them are having dinner..

FYI, 100 and 500 rupiah is a little bit hard to find, so we change it to candies..

and there was this customer, ai2..
she bought something ( i forgot what it is ) and tell me not to give her change with candies..
and then i say, "Sorry ya i, tp walank juga bo cepak tun liao lo..iong bon2 aja ya.." (it's true!)
and her face turned like sh*t..
she took the candies, but throw it away..she throw it lor ya.. and i saw it..
the candies was took by the parking guy by the way..

i hate people like that, who think that candies is not worth.. Now, 500 rupiah only get 3 candies you know..
that's the end of the ai2 story..

So, at 7 something, we go to Taipan, having dinner until 10 something and arrive home at 11.30 maybe..
it's raining..so i kehujanan..
and today evening..it's raining again..and i kehujanan lagii..
i think i can be sick if it always raining like that..

that's all.. wait for my other postt..

True Friend don't happen easily,
but it will happen when we meet the right person to be our true friend..
And i think i already found one of my true friend.. =D