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Enjoy your life

Be thankful for everyday you still have in this world

The JeTs
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The JeTs, itu nama yg kupilih buat restoranku di restaurant city..
don't ask me why..coz i don't know why..i just like it..

sebenarnya hari ini gw mau ceritain sesuatu yg lumayan lucu..
jadi gini, tadi siang, skitar jam 12an gitu..gw di kantor..
(supaya lebih ngerti, namain aja 1 sales A, 1 sales B)
trus sales A lagi ngobrol sama sales B..
sales A lg duduk, trus sales B ya ambil kursi duduk jg lo..
dia ga nyadar kalo yg dia ambil itu kursinya uda hampir patah..
langsung aja dia dudukin..
dann.. BRUKK! jatuh dia..
jatuhnya mantep bgt..kepala kejedot pintu kantor..
karena pintunya dr kaca, kami yg di dalem kantor smua nampak dia jatuh..
langsung ketawa..
akhirnya waktu gw keluar, ga bs tahan mau ketawa, jadilah gw ketawa2 lagi..
hahhaa..dan wktu gw liat kursinya, ternyata parah bgt rusaknya.. (emank katanya uda rusak dr kemaren2, dia aja yg ga liat2, duduk kok milih kursi rusakk)

trus ada yg laen lagi, tadi sore, waktu mau pulang dr medan..
kita terpaksa naek mobil box..
kita itu gw, Antony, Erwin..
plus 1 supirr..
krn di blakang itu full barang, terpaksalah kita ber4 di depan sempit2an..
truss..peraturan hanya memperbolehkan penumpang itu cuma 3 orang, 3 orang termasuk supirr..
kita kan kelebihan 1 orang, jadi..
Erwinlah yg jd korban..soalnya dia yg paling gampang buat sembunyii..
jadi tiap x ada polisi lewat dia harus jongkok supaya ga ketauan kami berempat..
wakakaka..kasian dia.. hahhaa..

hmm..keknya ga ada lagi yg bisa ditulis..
c ya in a few more dayss...

P.S : Can't wait to see ____
restaurant city feverrr
Sunday, April 26, 2009

yaikkk..semua orang lagi kena wabah game restaurant city..
smua orang maen restaurant city..
tp emank seru sehh..

hari ini nothing special happen..
semua berjalan seperti biasanya..dan seperti yg sudah seharusnya..
jadi ga ada yg bisa diceritakan hari ini..

tired playing games
Saturday, April 25, 2009

lama2 maen game stress juga yah, apalagi kalo ga ada yg temenin..
makin stress..

tadi baru buatin fesbuk buat cc sepupuku..
connectionnya lelett, lebih lelet daripada kura2..
hahaa..tp akhrnya jadi juga fesbuknya..

uda ah, stress..
ga tau mau tulis apa jadinya..

a little nothing
Friday, April 24, 2009

coming back againnnnn..
hahaha..setelah kemaren cuma cerita setengah dari semua yg terjadi selama ga nge-blog..
mungkin lebih bae kalo hari ini gw ceritain hal2 yg baru..
baru dlm arti baru terjadi hari ini..lupakan yg kemaren2..

soo..barusan gw maen Yoville di facebook..trus ntah gimana..
gw beli barang di gift shopnya, mksdnya mau send gt kasi orang..
stlh beli, gw ga tau gimana cara sendnya..ada keluar box yg buat tulis message gitu emang..
gw tulis message, trus ok..
ga tau deh.. yg jelas pastinya itu gift ga kena send..
kalopun ter-send, pastinya ntah nyasar kemana..soalnya gw ga merasa ada pilih itu gift mau di send ke sapa..
giftnya sih gw rela kasih orang laen, tp messagenya ituu..privacy bok..
namanya juga privacy, pasti ga boleh sembarangan orang tau donk..
ada2 aja neh.. **NGAMUK!!**

setelah ituu..lanjut maen Restaurant City..
lucu juga, cuma belum ngerti gmn maennya..

oh iya, hari ini, buat dinner aja gw uda makan..
hmm..1..2..3.. 3x!
dari jam 7 ampe jam 11 tadi gw udah 3x makan..
Thursday, April 23, 2009

hmm..rasanya udahhh lammmaaaa bgt ga nulis di blog ini..
hahaha..kena virus maen game fb nehh..jd blogku ini sempat terlupakan..
sebenernya bnyk yg mau ditulis, terlalu banyak ampe ga tau mau mulai darimana..
banyak bgt kejadian lucu, sedih selama gw ga nge-blog..

tp mungkin ini yg gw paling tau gimana mulainya..
ceritanya masih baru, masih fresh from the oven gitu..
gini, bbrp hari yg lalu..seperti biasa tiap malem gw online, buka msn, facebook dsb..
trus dapet info dari koko gw..ada program buat edit foto tp secara online..
jadi ya w pikir apa salahnya juga coba2..kan lumayan..
tambah ilmu.. hehhe
so gw buka itu program dan mulai bekerjaa..
bbrp saat kemudian, TAADAAA!! jadilah sebuah foto..
karena foto itu emang bagus, dan udah diakui orang emang bagus.. (classic katanya!)
jadi ya apa salahnya dijadiin foto msn..
bla3..dan tiba2 ketika lg chat sama beberapa orang, salah satunya comment..
hmm...bukan comment sih, tp tepatnya nanya..itu foto sama sapa??
gw lgsg mikir, "Mampuss!! dia mau bilang apa kira2?"
dan gw jawab lo, "Sama XXX.."
jantung uda ber dag-dig-dug riaa..
gw ga langsung jawab sih, tp sedikit mengalihkan pembicaraan dl..harap2 dia lupa pernah nanya gitu.. hahha
dia cuma jawab gini, "Oohh..sama XXX tohh.. lu pun pake mengalihkan pembicaraan segala, emangnya knp kalo sama XXX? hahaha.."
gw langsung Fyuhhhh..dan blg sama jantungku, "Jantung, kamu uda boleh tenang sekarang.."
hahha.. cuma bercanda itu yg bagian jantung2..

tp anehnya ga tau knp, tiba2 aja malam itu gw rasanya marah bgt sm itu orang, ga tau juga kenapa, ga ada angin ga ada ujan tiba2 marah..aneh kan??
tp untungnya, seperti biasa ada yg nenangin gw..
untung ada dia, kalo ga ada, ga tau deh..gw ngamuk ampe gmn..

bsk malemnya, gw buka lagi itu program..
iseng2, gw ambil foto kk, cc, ama foto gw sendiri..
trus diedit..
hasilnya lumayaannn.. kk ku suka..

hmm..keknya 1 cerita aja uda panjang bgt yahh
hahaa..lanjut besok deh, masi ada hari esok buat blogging..

Buat bbrp hari ke depan, mungkin cuma blog ini yg kupunya buat cerita2..
dari besok, Jumat ampe Minggu pastinya akan sangat sepi dan membosankan sekali..

C yaaa!!
am i?
Saturday, April 18, 2009

am i that untrustworthy?
i know maybe i'm not a suitable person to trust
but you know what?
i hate to know that you doubt me.

i hate it!
Friday, April 17, 2009

aku lagi bad mood!
karena sesuatuu..
hate it!
Friday, April 10, 2009

i'll do nothing.say nothing.be nothing that can harm you

if u still don't believe me,
just leave me alone
Thursday, April 9, 2009

capeknyaa harii iniii..
hari ini adalah hari contreng-mencontreng se-Indonesia..
tapi kebanyakan orang malah golput atau sembarangan nyontreng..
tp emank seh, buat apa juga ikut kek gituan..
choi kang co leh..

some people ask, ELECTION OR VACATION?
and i will answer, vacation of course..
because i'm still underage to elect..and it's unimportant to elect someone we don't know..
so i better go on vacationn..
so, today i went to siantar, my aunt's home..
it's a very long time ago since my last visit there..
i don't know when, but maybe when i'm still at 1st year of junior high school..
haha..i go there wif my uncle, another aunt, cousins, and my sister..
well, all i can say is there's a hell lot of delicious food in siantar..
today is a non-stop eating dayy..we can't stop eating coz there's just so many delicious food to try..

we leave from my house at maybe 9.30 a.m and arrive there at 11.30 a.m
exactly at lunch time.. haha..
so we went to lunch at this place, i forgot the name already..but it starts with an A i know..
that place serves a very delicious tauco udang..
after that we took a walk around the town and back to my aunt's home..
half hour later, we went to the house of a relative..it's a little bit far actually..
hmm..the area's name is Bajambi if i'm not mistakenn..

at around 3.30 we went back to my aunt's home to shower..coz we have to get ready for the very delicious food (they say) at Karang Sari..
but we went to my aunt's warehouse first..to see the houses there..
great houses i would say..beautiful design..
the scenery is adorable and there's a little gazebo and a small river there..
we took quite a lot of photos there..
back to Karang Sari..
it's VERY2 far from the main road..
but the food they serve,,is sooooo delicious..esp it's ikan bakar..
haha..and the sambal belacan..

that's all i think i can write today..
too tired..need sleep..
wait for my other post..
c ya
Friday, April 3, 2009

have you guys got the email about petai??
t's so unexpexted..i never realised petai has such a lot purpose..
done about petai.. The end

the beginning of a new story,
this evening, angel and i go to Kalimantan..
just to buy Wan than mee, and then go back to school and eat the Wan than mee there..
just say it..there's many people already said it to us..

next tuesday, is the beginning of exam. HATE IT!
moreover, my exam at the first day is Physics lesson.. aaaaaa.. stress modee almost on..
but now, i don't think physics is very chua lang lo anymore..
yea because i study it more than serious now..

Thank youu pikunn..!!
For always supporting me to study, esp physics..and math..
For making me promise to always study, and to get good marks..
hmm..for everything deh..

that's it for today..
c yaa
april fool..!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy April fool to everybodyyy!
but i'm not fooling anyone today..
hahaha..not in the mood..
besides i am the one who's being fooled by KEKEL!! **slap him**

today,i study quite well..
and i'm not chatting at school.. ( i hv to get used to it )
but, i have 4 hours free cause my teacher didnt came..
wakaka..lucky me..

but i also have the unlucky one..
the unlucky one isssss..
cause we don't chat todayy..
that's why i don't like today..
buttt..there's a but.. haha..
i just called her, and we talk for a while..
and i'm HAPPY.. =D

i think there's nothing i wanna write anymore..
wait for my other post.

P.S : Thanks buat Iche yg uda ngajarin buat link.. hahaha..