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Be thankful for everyday you still have in this world

cara login ke blog
Thursday, December 30, 2010

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Day Breakers
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Hello there
just checking in
feels so alone now. mom and dad isn't home now
They're on their holiday..
too bad i can't join them because of my exam.

By the way, yesterday i went to the movies with my bff.
That was the first time we watched a movie together since we're on our 3rd year
We watched "Day Breakers"
Great movie. worth to watch.
even tho the ending is not as good as i imagine
but still..worth to watch

So the story is about a city which is full of vampires
and they're out of human blood because the human there are already dead
So this man, also a vampire named Edward, who refuses to drink human blood
He live with animal blood, he pity the human.
Edward is also a blood doctor. The company he works is a company which "farm" human blood for the national consumtion.
And now he is working on a project to find the subtitute of human blood
One day, he accidentally had a car accident with a girl, which is human.
I forgot who her name, but one night she look for edward and said that there's a cure, no need for blood substitute.
And after that, edward meet a vampire who can walks under the sun. He tell edward how he became like that. Then edward do the process on himself, which is a success.
Now all he needs to do is change the other vampire.
And that's the exciting part. won't tell it here :)

I know my last post is about how dissapointed i am because one of my bff chose her boyfriend over me
But now i'm over it. Even now i'm trying to stop hating her boyfriend so much
Cause like it or not, he is her boyfriend. and as a good friend, i have to like him.
But i am also being careful .
If he broke her heart, i won't stay put.

I learned that i have to stop hating people that much. Cause i also don't like people to hate me.
But if there's someone who try to look for troubles with me, i won't stay put
Want a fight? So be it.

Done about hating people.
So today is halloween
While everyone is out for halloween party, i only spend it with watching movies all day
guess i am not a party type.
But i would love to go to a club with my bff..it will be so fun if i go with them.
Everything i do with them, worth to be remember.

I love them
I can't imagine not going to the same university with them
Hope we will go to the same university, same class,
so that we can go there together, go home together
And of course by that time, i will be the one who's driving. It's my turn already
Now it's still Kathy's turn cause i still don't have my license.

Signing out
changing by the time
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Let me tell you something
I was dissapointed. very dissapointed
about a few weeks ago i found out that my bestfriend promise his boyfriend that she will not be that close to me anymore
she broke my heart instantly. my hands shaking so badly until i have to hold onto it.
i am very dissapointed
but because i was at her house that time, i can't run away like those scene in the movies
but really..i do want it to be like in the movies
because i want her to know that i know what she promise

i feel like she close to me just to take benefit for me
like teach her when exam (copy my exam answ) and else

that time, i don't know how to act anymore
i just keep distance, less talk, and less smile of course
i can't smile anymore that day

but like a week after that, i told her that i know...
i told her that i know she and her boyfriend are talking about me in their messages
and clearly i know that her boyfriend doesn't like me
ACTUALLY i don't like her boyfriend too. so it's perfect and i don't mind
that day..she told me honestly that her boyfriend doesn't like me
and i feel glad..to be honest
because finally she say something honest to me..but not that honest
because she didn't tell me what she promise him.
i am still waiting to the time when she will tell me the truth..but i still don't know what will i do if it happens.

But luckily, after we're being honest with each other, we never brought that topic up.
It's just like the usual us. But the difference is..i used to spend time almost everyday with her, but now i am not
we just go out like 2 or 3 times this week.. it was just because we got tuition together .
and the others, just go eat and then i go home. not more
i never bbm her..she bbm me, and i reply. she don't bbm me, i don't bbm too..
i just think that she bbm me for formality..

I don't know what happen to us..i really miss the old time!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hi there.
I guess I can't keep my promise to update my blog everyday, right?
Guess i'm just too busy and tired until i forgot.
So today what i'm going to share is about my life as a 3rd year student
Want the truth?? I'm feeling OLD.
I can't imagine myself not being in high school anymore
Still want to go to wake up very early in the morning and go to school
I think i'm not ready to be in a university

I used to think being a 3rd year student is fun
Because you can do almost whatever you want at school. But now i know i'm wrong
Being a 3rd year student is so complicated
You have to think about the national exam, school exam, and of course..what university you want to apply
And this is some ++ :
1. class ceremony
2. Your holiday with your closest friend
To be honest, i am not that excited about the class ceremony thingy..i think its useless.
Because you have to save money every week for some class program..
i think what is important is the memory..not what program we held.
Maybe yes, we will be remembered for the program we held. But don't you think that something that can stick to your mind forever is more important?
The program can be forgotten. but our memory can't
So i prefer all of us sit down together..joking around and chat..its more memorable.

And next, about holiday with my closest friends..
I've been planning about it too ;)
But i can't tell where we will go now. Because i already promised them.
And it's better if it's a surprise.
long time no see you, bloggie!
Sunday, May 30, 2010

HELLOO my super lovely blog!
Its been a long time since my last post eh? I'm sorryyy.. LOL
been kinda busy..

Actually i have nothing to write about today.
Just get bored with everything..with my school life i guess.
I just hate my classmates a lot. They're all just like biatch.

I just love Kathy and Mimi as my classmates, and also i am feeling lucky to have them as my BFF.
And i don't wanna forget Mendy, Kath's sister.. she's already like my own sister for me..
They're the example of true friend, they know my attitude, hence they still can accept it.
I must admit that i was a bit surprised hearing their confession, that they used to think that i am very very arrogant, weirdo (until now they still call me weird sometimes)
But thank GOD that they finally know me..
That i am not arrogant like they think..i am just Quiet.. not like anyone else..

If you know me, I AM CRAZY. but, if you don't know me, you will say that i am arrogant too..

And back to my classmates topic,
i know that i am wrong to hate them like that
but they just don't have any manner at all!
I never have any trouble with them and they still talk about me behind me..
What a biatch!
now can i be friendly to them? what do YOU think?

I am so freakin' bored right noww.. but i am lucky that i have this blog
finally realised that this blog is very useful. Especially in times like this
When i am alone, no one to talk to, no one that can bbm with me..
Will try to update this blog every day. **cross my fingers**
Fuck you, thief!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

i am so fuckin' angryy!!
My internet connection is superr slowyy
And i realised that it turns into slowy since..that bastard use my internet too!
Fu*k himm!!!
I really really hate himm!!!
The Parteyy
Monday, April 26, 2010

Hello there.. I'm back.
Tonight i will be writing about K's birthday party
I'm too tired yesterday so i can't write about it.. Lols

The party is so much fun. It was a lil bit loyo at first. but at the end it's a blast!
I didn't regret i borrow my cousin's camera..to capture the every moment of K's special time.
And we were late actually. I already finished at 5 but still have to fetch M..
so we arrived at G.Aston at 6 something..
And the Birthday Girl was also late..how come she arrived there at 6 sth?
We arrived first than she, in fact..
But..HELLO..Saloon is needs a lot of time isn't it?
When I arrive there, some of the guests already waiting for us..
Really feel embarrased.. We're the birthday girl best friends..but we arrived after them.
HMM.. Always jam karet. Its in our blood already i think..

Me and M become penerima tamu.. But actually i was the wishing tree's keeper..
So the guest come and write their name at the guest book then i give them a wishing card..
After they write their wishes for K, i hang the wishes at the tree..
And after that they have to sign at the Black Board.. But many of them didn't sign. **Sigh**
We're just SOOO busy until we don't have the time to eat..
Not just us.. K and her sisters, n brother too..

I am so happy that i can help her at her party..i love to be a part of it..
K is feeling sorry cause we helped her until we don't have time to eat..
She said sorry and thank you that we helped her..
She didn't need to say it i think..
the three of us are BFFs aren't we? BFFs help each other..be there and taking care of each other..

I can't wait to see the photos from the photographer!
They must be very amazing! I am still an amateur in photography..so i really want to learn more..
But first i must save my money to buy the camera first. Canon EOS D550 i love youu!
Really really want itt!
Else, i think the photographer took a lot pictures of the three of us.. He was paid to take candid pictures, so i just use my feeling. And my feeling said that he took a lot of pictures of us..

And at 9 something, we move to the very hot seat! The seat right in front of the stage! and just 3 seats..like it was set for us. Hahahahha..
K always sit with us..not the guest.. LOLs
she just greet them, talk a little, and take pictures.. The rest of her time, she spent with us.

And i forget to tell you guys about the surprise
The surprise is, we tell K that her boyfriend don't want to come to her birthday..
In fact, we hide her boyfriend and wait until the time..
The time her boyfriend show up at the stage and give her a bracelet.
she was very very happy that time..
K, i think you ARE falling in love, girl..

I think this is all for now. I will post the pictures on fb. So just check it out..
I will continue my story next time. C yaa..